Jessica Kellgren-Fozard
YouTuber and Content Creator
Digital, Media and Publishing

Content creator Jessica Kellgren-Fozard’s unique style and educational content on LGBT+ topics, history, and her openness about her disabilities has made a great impact online this year. Her YouTube videos and Tik Tok content feature eloquent and humorous information on both queer history, and on issues of ableism and disability representation. It is through Kellgren-Fozard’s individual and honest approach to education that she has been able to reach such a wide audience, and highlight the absence of information on issues of disabled and same-sex parenthood.
Jessica has two rare genetic conditions, HNPP and EDS, (because life blessed her that way) which effect her nerves and connective tissues. Her condition can vary in severity from day to day, with at its worst her waking to find she cannot move her arms or legs. For this reason Jessica occasionally needs mobility aids. She is also deaf and partially visually impaired.
She lives with her wife Claudia, her son Rupert and two adorable fluffy dogs in Brighton and is a notable figure in the LGBTQ+ community having been highly commended as one of the rising stars of the year by DIVA magazine and is nominated for the 2021 British LGBT Awards. Thanks to her own brand of ‘soft activism’, Jessica was rewarded for her services to the disabled community with an honorary doctorate from the University of Worcester.