Hannah Deakin
Finance Administrator at Belron,
Blogger, Ambassador and Disability campaigner
Digital, Media and Publishing

Hannah is 30, a disability and lifestyle blogger from Surrey. She became disabled following a netball injury at age 14. She spent four years in hospital, of which she was mainly bedbound. She has battled through daily physiotherapy, very slowly she has progressed and three years ago she took her first step in 13.5 years.
She started her blog ‘Hannah’s Hope’ in 2018 with the aim of raising awareness of disability, sharing her experiences and giving ‘hope’ to others that they are not alone. She is passionate about making a difference, changing perceptions, promoting equality and raising money for charities dear to her heart.
Hannah has written articles for Sky News, Posability magazine, Scope, Ability Today and Disability Horizons.
She has taken part in the Scope #WontBeForgottten campaign and been interviewed on Sky News and Channel 5 news during the pandemic.
Hannah has done a TEDx talk on Values in Life. She is an Ambassador for White Lodge and gives speeches at schools and organisations increasing young people’s understanding about disability.
Hannah makes handmade cards and has raised £3,128 for Starlight Children’s Foundation.
During 2021 Hannah has been holding a year long fundraiser #BenHannah3530 to celebrate her 30th birthday and what would have been her late brother, Ben’s 35th birthday and remember him. So far, she has raised over £5,000.
Despite only doing one GCSE, bedbound in hospital, Hannah has recently secured her first ever job for eight hours a week and gained her MAAT (Member of Association of Accounting Technicians) status.
“If you speak to a disabled person, look beyond their disability and try and see the person within, they are just like you.”