Georgina Layton
Disabled Travel and Inclusive Wedding Blogger
Digital, Media and Publishing

Disability and chronic illness can increase travel anxiety; my blog has over 61k followers and hopes to minimise this through detailed exploration of accessibility within restaurants, hotels and attractions through comprehensive reviews and photos as a “mystery shopper”. I aid redevelopment with owners, auditing venues to give suggestions, improving online/offline access and utilising my health struggles to aid others’ experiences.
Covid’s travel limitations overhauled my website’s focal point, to helping with the complexities of chronic illness wedding planning. I work with venues’ physical sites and vendors’ service hire to improve inclusivity; showing best practice for communication and accommodation of disabled guests/couples, wherever they place upon vibrant disability spectrums. Representation within wedding media through disabled models/bodies was non-existent so it was important to me to increase this through wheeling runways at wedding fairs, modelling in bridal dress campaigns and appearing in styled shoots. Spread of body positivity comes through representation and diverse visibility.
Less than 18% of bridal shops within two hours commute are accessible so I brand manage a new adaptive, accessible wedding dress shop; modelling, creating promotional literature and writing to local politicians. The designer created an adaptable line of gowns suitable for mobility aid users and ableds.
My Instagram showcases body confidence, disability and visible mobility aids whilst communicating with a tightly knit community. Diversifying social media is a simplistic yet important act.
“Diversification and accessibility are a process, one that people are often fearful of, yet they forget the financial and social benefit of the huge market of 14.1 million disabled people living in the UK; people who deserve to broaden their horizons through accessible travel and couples whose wedding should be as inclusive and beautiful as any abled couple’s wedding celebrations can be!”