Judges’ Choice

Parmi Dheensa is a multi-award-winning social innovator and humanitarian, a disability rights activist, advocating and empowering with and for under-represented communities and unheard voices. She shares lived experiences with her disabled son, Callum, who has complex needs.
Parmi is the founder of Include Me TOO charity working with disabled children, young people and their families from a diverse range of backgrounds, particularly minoritised and racialised communities.
Parmi has developed services, resources, delivered and led on projects at local, national and international levels covering areas of intersectionality, participatory approaches, inclusive practice, policies, and safeguarding for disabled children, young people and their families promoting a disability rights-based ethos.
She has presented and led on disability equity, race and inclusion at both the House of Commons and House of Lords and presented at the United Nations Geneva Social Forum review of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 10th Anniversary on the inequalities experienced by disabled children, young people and adults from racialised communities.
Parmi has spearheaded several international initiatives through her leadership and drive. Parmi is increasing access and creating spaces for and with disabled children and young people.
She developed an interactive Hospital Communication Passport in response to the pandemic and the health inequalities and access of disabled persons. She delivered train the trainer workshops with Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network (CCYDN) working with local partners around the world to implement.