Professor Robert Stevens
Professor of Computer Science and Head of Department at the University of Manchester

Robert Stevens is a professor of Computer Science and Head of Department at the University of Manchester. Having taken a degree in biochemistry (University of Bristol), he started a Ph.D. in the same subject (University of Leicester). He then lost his sight and subsequently re-trained as a computer scientist, first doing a masters in biological computation and then a Ph.D. in computer science (both at the University of York).
His research is principally in knowledge representation in biology and health, where he has made substantial contributions in the area of ontology engineering and its use in understanding biological and health data. He has also made contributions in accessibility to complex information such as algebra notation, using speech and non-speech cues, by people with a visual disability.
According to the Guide to Research (, he is in the top 100 UK computer science academics and is Head of Department for one of the UK’s top departments of computer science. He has published over 300 papers–which have gathered more than 22,000 citations–and he has collaborated with more than 200 scientists, both in the UK and internationally.
He has also taught thousands of students, supervised scores of student projects and supervised many Ph.D. students, as well as gaining millions of pounds of research funding that has supported many scientists. In so doing, Robert has also made an important contribution in being a blind person who is both successful and in a position of influence.
“I always wanted to be a scientist and I wouldn’t let losing my sight stop me; I hope that my success as an academic will help others in their careers.”