Non-Visible Disability Campaign 2022
Non-Visible Disability Campaign
Community Action Organisations

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower was created in 2016 when Gatwick airport realised that while they could recognise and support passengers with visible disabilities, what about passengers whose disabilities are not visible? The answer was a Sunflower, on a green background, usually worn in the form of a lanyard and designed to discreetly indicate that the wearer’s disability is not visible. People choose to wear the Sunflower to indicate to others that the wearer may need some additional support, patience or understanding.
The Sunflower has rapidly grown to be the globally recognised symbol for invisible disabilities. It is worn by millions of people around the world and supported by thousands of businesses and organisations, both large and small, to support their customers and colleagues alike who choose to wear the Sunflower.
It has been launched locally in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates. It is recognised across a broad range of sectors – ranging from retail, financial services, travel and tourism including over 150 global airports, over 450 universities, schools and colleges, all of the UK railway network, supermarkets, leisure facilities, healthcare, emergency services, museums and theatres and over 350 charities. Basically, anywhere people meet, shop, learn, work or travel, the Sunflower has a presence.
Their aim is simply to improve everyday experiences for people with invisible disabilities. In short, to make the invisible, visible.
“Passionate about raising awareness of non-visible disabilities and the Sunflower on a global level.”