Leo Lake
‘At just 12 years old Leo has already achieved many things. Diagnosed at three months old with a condition called Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis and later Ataxia, due to a fault in the Cep290 gene, Leo has never let his conditions hold him back. At ten years old, having acted in a few student short films, Leo was signed to talent agency Zebedee Management and a few months later auditioned and won the role of Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol at the Old Vic in London alongside Stephen Tomkinson as Scrooge. The show ran for eight weeks during the Christmas period 2018/19, during this time Leo travelled between his home in Hampshire and London four days a week while still attending school full-time. His performance was mentioned in a five star review in Time Out magazine. He is thought to be the first registered blind person to perform professionally in the West End.
Alongside acting Leo is learning the drums and the violin, he enjoys tandem bike riding and even runs his own YouTube channel ‘Leo’s Trains’ where he posts trainspotting and gaming content.
“Performing in the West End made me feel like I can do anything if I try hard enough”.