Lee Ellery
Web Accessibility Assessor at Shaw Trust
Community Action

My name is Lee Ellery and I have Cerebral Palsy which affects all four limbs. I live at home in Swansea with my mum and dad. I am also visually impaired but none of this stops me doing what I enjoy. I use speech software which converts my voice into text on screen which in turn enables me to work successfully and lets me enjoy the freedom of the internet.
Outside of my work with Shaw Trust I am an independent disability campaigner helping individuals and organisations to raise awareness of the issues that affect disabled people. I am able to provide support to run campaigns and help ensure disabled people’s voices are heard. I am a confident person and I like nothing better than to speak in a public arena on disability matters as I am not afraid in the slightest of challenging professionals on things that affect people with disabilities.
I am proud of the work I have achieved over the years with a variety of organisations. I am currently working voluntarily on a Disability Action Plan for Wales with the Welsh Government. I also work voluntarily for Co-production Network Wales. I deliver Disability Awareness Training to students in Swansea University. I am an ambassador for Therapy for Swansea Kids.
I love music and musical theatre and concerts and go as often as I can. I also enjoy family days when my brother Craig and my two nieces Sienna and Olivia come over to spend time with us.
“My message to other people living with disabilities is to be yourself and know that whatever the obstacle, you can always achieve your dreams, as being different is what makes you stand out from the crowd.”