Kirsteen Allison
Equality and diversity advocate
Education, Public and Third Sector

Kirsteen Allison is hearing and visually impaired with a hearing dog for deaf people. Kirsteen is a passionate advocate for equality and diversity, having volunteered in the disability field for nearly 25 years (since her teenage years), in addition to her employment history where she has supported disabled young people into employment, education and training.
Kirsteen delivers equality and diversity awareness training to employers, teachers, lecturers and training providers, covering topics such as the social model of disability, deaf awareness, neurodiversity and the equality act 2010.
Kirsteen’s research on the barriers to employment for disabled people was shortlisted for a national award in 2019.
Kirsteen was a founder member of the Academy of Disabled Journalists and has had articles published, of relevance to disabled people, in The Limping Chicken blog and Not Going to Uni website.
Kirsteen is a speaker and fundraiser for the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People as she is a hearing dog recipient herself.
She also has a popular blog about Cochlear Implants where she speaks of her own cochlear implant journey to reassure and advice others who may be considering that option.
Kirsteen has a lifelong commitment to changing perceptions of disabled people and achieving equality for all.
“This would be the second year I have featured in the Shaw Trust Disability Power List. The Disability Power 100 has opened up many new doors for me and allowed me to network with others who share my passion for improving disability rights and awareness across the UK and the globe.”