Kiera Roche
Founder and CEO, LimbPower
Kiera Roche is known for her commitment of improving the lives of individuals with an amputation or limb difference. Since 2018, she has been named in the Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 as one of the most influential people with a disability in the UK.
Kiera Roche founded LimbPower in 2009 to support people with limb loss and limb difference to take part in physical activity, sport and the arts to aid their physical, psychological and social rehabilitation. In 2014, she oversaw LimbPower’s qualification as a National Disability Sports Organisation. LimbPower runs workshops and events to increase confidence and build a community to help people get back to activity. LimbPower also provides expertise to people with limb difference as well as families, health workers, lawyers and more to ensure people have the information and adaptations they need to live healthier and more fulfilled lives. Kiera and her team have created more than 90 resources for people with limb difference and their families. LimbPower uses research and insight to find out what the community want and need then works to deliver it.
“It is an honour to be recognised for the work we do to support our community, especially to be recognised by other people with a disability who are doing such incredible and important work to improve the lives of disabled people. By sharing research, information, best practice and campaigns we can work together to make important and necessary changes at all levels.”