Whizz-Kidz, Kidz Board
Community Action Organisations

Kidz Board is a group of young wheelchair users aged 16-25. Representing regions of the UK, we meet up in person several times per year and online to make sure the voices of young people nationally are at the heart of every decision Whizz-Kidz makes.
We are passionate about challenging perceptions and raising awareness of issues that affect young wheelchair users every day, such as our manifesto topics: Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion, Education, Employment and Travel.
As a group we want to focus on making sure society doesn’t revert back to the new normal but instead works on creating a better, more accessible and inclusive, new now.
To do this we consult with key businesses, industry leaders, charities and community groups to campaign, raise awareness, undertake access audits and focus groups, highlight areas for improvement and collaborate on projects to influence solutions.
We also join advisory boards in a variety of sectors to ensure representation. “Nothing about us, without us.’’
“The disabled experience is one regarded with pity, ridicule or neglect, those who do so neglecting the euphoria inherent to disabled joy. Disabled joy being distinct from all of its counterparts in that it comes from having not only survived a world built to destroy us but knowing that our mere existence is its largest threat. Of all the things this joy has given to me, I am most touched by the Board I have the honour to lead. Each member, past and present, is somebody I cherish, somebody I admire and somebody with whom I wish to be recognised.”
Penny, Chair, Whizz-Kidz, Kidz Board