Julian John
Managing Director
Business, Finance and IT

Julian founded Delsion, the award-winning Diversity & Inclusion consultancy in 2015.
Delsion was founded with a clear social goal at the heart of everything it does. That goal is to make the UK a leading nation for the inclusion of disabled people in the workplace.
The experiences that led him to start Delsion were twofold:
First is his real-life knowledge of the barriers that disabled people can face within the workplace. Julian became disabled in 2005 following an acquired brain injury and has witnessed first-hand the need to increase the engagement and education of employers to allow workplaces to be more inclusive, specifically for disabled people.
Second is his extensive career at a senior level in Human Resources and Learning & Development which allows a fantastic insight from both sides of the issues and opportunities.
Delsion made Swansea the first Disability Confident city in the UK and has supported numerous employers to become Disability Confident Leaders. Julian has also had the opportunity to work with the Welsh Government in shaping the positive prospects for disabled people and employment.
In addition to Delsion, Julian is an Ambassador to the Purple Light Up and an expert and ally to the Valuable 500.
Passionate about the opportunities of disabled enterprise, Julian is the Chair of the Disability, Health and Wellbeing Policy Unit for the Federation of Small Businesses.
Julian is the father to two disabled children and the work that he does very much has their future in mind.
“I wish I’d known what I do now before my brain injury. I wish I’d known the barriers that people can face and how difficult it is to find equity, to be included. This is about the potential in people that’s been overlooked, about so many opportunities that have been denied. I strongly believe that world is changing for the positive. It’s great to see so many steps being taken in the right direction, but we need to keep that momentum going and I’m proud to be part of a community that is making that change happen.”