Jonathan Bryan
Founder of Teach Us Too
Rising Stars

When I was seven I was removed from my special school for a few hours a day to be taught to read and write by my mother; and after a year and a half, I had learnt enough to spell out everything I wanted to write and say, using my eyes to choose letters on an alphabet board held in front of me. While recovering from a serious illness aged 10, I felt God had given me some extra time so I could try and make a difference for children like me in education.
In 2018 my memoir, Eye Can Write, was published and I founded my charity, Teach Us Too, envisaging an education system where all children are taught to read and write regardless of their label or disability. For my campaigning I received a Diana Legacy Award. With my charity I present to trainee teachers, teachers and other professionals, and parents; challenging assumptions and sponsoring training in literacy instruction for complex learners. Making sure the voices of special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) pupils are central to policies and decisions is my passion. I am also part of FLARE (Friendship, Learning, Achieve, Reach and Empower), the Department for Education’s national young SEND advisory group, and the Disabled Children’s Partnership young advisory group.
“I believe that all children should be taught to read and write regardless of their label / disability.”