Jennie Williams
CEO and Founder, Enhance The UK
Jennie Williams is the founder and CEO of Enhance the UK (ETUK), a user-led charity which helps people with physical and sensory disabilities to live a full life. She set it up after working in the care sector and becoming frustrated with the lack of practical information and support available for people who wanted to know more about communicating with disabled people both professionally and personally.
Campaigning to change public perceptions of what disabled people can do, Jennie and her team link people up with life-enhancing opportunities and useful products and services.
Jennie, who has degenerative hearing loss, set out to create training that could be delivered by freelance disabled trainers, therefore tackling the issue head on whilst also offering working opportunities for disabled people around the country. Via face to face and virtual training, they educate businesses and organisations on disability awareness.
Realising there were no discussions about sex and relationships on her clients’ care plans, Jennie wanted to encourage open conversation and education around sex and disability. The charity’s Undressing Disability campaign focuses on the sexual rights and responsibilities of disabled people. It includes the ‘Love Lounge’, an online forum for advice and answers regarding sex, dating and relationships for those with impairments
In 2020 the Undressing Disability Hub launched, providing a unique and educational online space for people to share insight, ideas and resources on a broad range of topics from inclusive sex education to parenting guides.
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“Running a charity in 2020 is definitely challenging but I have a brilliant team and we are determined to succeed. We’ll continue to challenge perceptions and break down barriers in a supportive, open and approachable way. With our virtual interactive disability awareness training, and our Undressing Disability campaign we know we can make a difference and improve the lives of disabled people. That’s my driver so watch this space, I’ve big plans for the future.”