Disabled Students UK
Community Action

Disabled Students UK is a community interest company and the biggest disabled student-led organisation working to increase accessibility in Higher Education and improve disabled students’ experiences.
Our activities span sector research, consulting, outreach and amplifying disabled students’ voices. As an organisation we are driven by results and data. Our reports on disabled students’ experiences and the impact of the pandemic across the sector have been highlighted in parliamentary contexts as well as by various commissions. We have been approached by decision- makers to consult on various issues pertaining to disabled students. Our platform for disabled student activists has 400 contributors from 60 different universities.
All of our volunteers, including our three Directors, are current or former disabled students. Key to our work is raising up and incorporating the experiences of our contributors. Our work allows disabled students to channel their voice, expand their expertise and get invaluable employment skills.
What we have been able to achieve in one year, during a pandemic nonetheless, is a true testament to disability wisdom and adaptability. Our report on the impact of the pandemic was mentioned in parliament, we have spoken at the APPG for disability and consulted with some of the major bodies in the sector.”