Chris Fry
Top 10

Chris has established a reputation for taking strategic cases which have the potential to deliver real change, improve accessibility and promote inclusion.
A surprise diagnosis of Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia in 2003 as a young lawyer gave him an insight into the labelling of disabled people, and assumptions which might adversely impact on opportunities.
Subsequently Chris’ pioneering work on disability rights, often pro bono, helps achieve reasonable adjustments for disabled consumers in everyday life. He has helped businesses change pricing policies, install lifts, ramps, and make their online services more accessible.
His work through the Covid pandemic ensured that disabled customers were given priority access to groceries, changed NHS Visitor policies and challenged the Government to provide accessible information to the deaf community in particular.
Chris has managed group litigation and individual cases through the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. He has hosted conferences, published numerous articles, advised and acted for leading charities, and Disabled Peoples’ Organisations, briefed members of the House of Lords, and provided legal commentary for the national media. He also co-founded Disability Rights Advice TV and the Disability Passport.
“Disabled people need to know that the law is accessible. We have rights that we can enforce, and that change is possible with the right support. I am humbled to have been nominated for a place on this list, amongst such illustrious company.”