Andrew Miller
Arts Leader, Campaigner and Broadcaster, #WeShallNotBeRemoved
For more than 30 years, Andrew Miller has been blazing a trail across the arts and broadcasting.
He advocates for disabled people throughout the creative industries as artists, employees and audiences, and uses his influence to democratise our national culture.
Andrew started out in children’s television presenting Channel 4’s ground-breaking series Boom! As one of the first generation of disabled presenters in UK broadcasting, he quickly became a role model, fronting programmes throughout the 1990s.
Moving behind the camera, Andrew then made BAFTA nominated arts and music documentaries before changing direction again, establishing a new arts centre at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama and becoming the first wheelchair user to run a major entertainment venue. More recently he has been assisting the University of Oxford develop the new £150m Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities due to open in 2025.
Uniquely, Andrew is a National Council member of both the Arts Councils of England and Wales. He is also a director of Welsh National Opera and UK digital arts agency, The Space. Andrew chairs the British Film Institute’s Disability Screen Forum and is the first UK Government Disability Champion for Arts & Culture, establishing the role as a powerful platform to campaign for greater inclusion across the arts, museum and film sectors.
In 2020 Andrew was named in The Stage top 100 influencers of British Theatre and he co-created #WeShallNotBeRemoved, a national emergency campaign to safeguard disability arts through and after Covid19, ensuring creative disabled people achieved influence during the pandemic.
“Coronavirus has severely magnified inequalities facing disabled people with our health, creativity and civil rights all threatened. The terrible impact of the pandemic makes me more determined than ever to achieve greater inclusion and social justice for our community”.