ADKC Access Group
Community Action

Action Disability Kensington & Chelsea is an organisation run and controlled by local disabled people. We support disabled people to live independently and campaign for an inclusive society.
We established our Access Group over a decade ago and its members are local disabled people, who are experts by experience and well supported and trained to obtain a range of access related skills. The group is committed to working within the Social Model of disability and to equality. This philosophy is reflected in all areas of its work and especially when empowering disabled people to act on their own behalf and raising awareness of disability issues.
The ADKC Access Group meets regularly, service providers and decision makers are invited into meetings to listen to the views of members, discuss the issues and hopefully go back and make changes. It also often liaises with officers from a range of services and authorities, including Transport, Planning, Housing, Police and Fire services.
The group also makes access visits to and produces access reports for venues as well as for other service providers who require support to make their services more accessible and friendly to disabled people.
Over the past years, the ADKC Access Group has successfully dealt with many different problems of high importance for disabled people by getting involved in a variety of positive campaigns and activities and it promotes a ‘’Best practice’’ in the access-related issues.
Good access is not only about a physical accessibility, but it also is an ethos of the inclusion of everyone. If this were a perfect world, every public building, bus, train and taxi would be fully accessible to all. Sadly, it’s not and they’re not. Our group advises and puts pressure on those who fall short, in the hope of making everything entirely accessible to all in the community.
Together we are stronger and let’s make the world fully inclusive of disabled people and a more accessible place for everyone!’’