Mike Adams OBE
Chief Executive Officer
Business and Finance

Mike is currently CEO of Purple, a disability organisation intent on changing the disability conversation. Purple provides products and services to both disabled people and businesses, including the award-winning Purple Tuesday which supports organisations to improve the disabled customer experience.
Mike started his career in higher education and was one of the key contributors in transforming an accessible curriculum alongside the more traditional physical environment. He was a huge advocate for disabled students and the transition into employment.
At the Disability Rights Commission Mike was responsible for strategic development and disability leadership as part of the Senior Management Team.
Academically Mike has an MBA and a number of honorary awards for his services to disability.
In 2012 he received an OBE for his services to disabled people.
Through Purple Tuesday Mike is increasingly working on a global stage to promote disability inclusion for everyone.
These approaches are gaining real traction and he recently presented at a UN Conference on Why Disability Matters.
Away from work Mike is kept busy with his five children, three (including twins) who are under three.
Mike believes the disability movement is at a pivotal moment in history and is determined, with a growing number of people, to change the disability conversation permanently.
“The disability conversation is moving. I am delighted to be a part of that movement. For disabled customers. Employees. And entrepreneurs. Developing the capacity and capability of business to deliver disability inclusion is key in ensuring the everyday lives of all disabled people are maximised.”